DRYAGER Customer Anthony Ortiz (New Jersey) has enjoyed many dry aged steaks at some of the finest restaurants the US has to offer. So impressed by the experience and flavor profile eating dry aged meat provides, Anthony (his friends call him Tony) began looking for the best way to achieve the steakhouse experience from his own home. After spending a few years researching websites and watching YouTube videos of other dry aging connoisseurs, he discovered DRYAGER. We spoke with Tony to learn more about his dry aging journey.

When did you first hear about DRYAGER?
I heard about DRYAGER in early 2020 through YouTube; I was looking at videos and information on a perfect dry aging solution that did it all in one unit and that’s what I found with DRYAGER.
When did you purchase a unit?
I purchased my UX 1000 in March 2022. I have it installed in my dining room. My wife wasn't a fan at first (haha) but it's a conversation starter and looks great!
What has been your experience with your DRYAGER so far?
It produces a product identical to what I can get at any high-end steak house; it has been dead on with taste, quality, and ease of use - it’s a set it and forget it type of thing and that is exactly what I was looking for in a dry aging cabinet.
What is a favorite dry age project you’ve done?
My 62-Day aging of a bone-in ribeye had a real good nutty flavor; real pronounced and bold flavors.
Overall, 35-Days seems like the “sweet spot” for a unique flavor you’d expect from dry age but when you get in the 50 days, that’s when you get a more bold flavor.
I even had luck with a Prime Filet with not much of a fat cap with very little waste at 21 days with good flavor and texture.
Click to watch Tony’s most recent 45-Day Dry Aged boneless RibEye project from start to finish!

Read Hank Shaw’s full article here to learn more about dry aging venison and why he recommends his DRYAGER for the high-quality German design and the convenience of “set-it-and-forget-it” technology.
Do you have a DRYAGING story to tell? We would love to hear from you and share your story!
Send a message to usa@dry-ager.com to be featured in our Customer Spotlight.

As soon as you have received your DRYAGER™ device you can register to myDRYAGER and get exclusive access to more video tutorials, know how articles and much more.
